- Ekklesia literally means assembly.
- Church is derived from words meaning “house of the Lord” and/or “of the Lord”
- Two times Jesus uses the word
- Matthew 16:18 – Significance: Jesus recognizes a group of people who have the commonality of submission to Jesus as Lord.
- Matthew 18:15ff – Significance: Jesus’ group of people are to be unified in holy living.
Overall purpose of the church
- The assembly exists to encourage one another to live holy lives in accordance with the example Jesus set and to obey everything he has commanded.
The devoted activity of the early church – Acts 2:42ff
- The Apostle’s teaching
- The fellowship
- The breaking of bread
- The prayers
These activities are the way the church worked out their purpose.
Other activities found in the epistles
- Pastors are called to lead through example.
- Provide correct teaching
- Protect the truth
- Encourage holy living (love and service)
- Provides accountability and discipline
- Provides a place for corporate worship and unified prayer
- Training for evangelism
- Meets the needs of the lost world looking for opportunities to share God’s good news
In essence, the church encourages continual discipleship and provides strength and support in the loving environment of family.
What we have done so far.
- Devote
- Develop
- Do
- Disciples
Where we are going.
- Better Sunday worship attendance.
- More small group Bible study opportunities.
- Better ministry involvement.
- Church-wide service/evangelism events.
So What?
- Be consistent in your commitment to worship in a corporate setting.
- Get involved in growth activities with brothers and sisters, and even consider hosting a small group in your home.
- Meet needs in the church.
- Take part in church-wide events.