Luke 9:57-62
Parallel Account
- Matthew 8:17-22
Luke’s reason for recording
- This section reveals how Jesus responded to those who expressed a desire to follow him.
- Shows how masterful of a teacher Jesus was as he was constantly identifying teachable moments.
- These moments reveal the attitude Jesus expected followers to have.
The Scribe (Matthew 8:19)
- The willing-but-naïve attitude
- The cost of following: uncertain worldly security.
- The gain of following: certain heavenly security.
Another disciple (Matthew 8:21)
- The misplaced-priority attitude
- The cost of following: unhealthy worldly concern.
- The gain of following: healthy heavenly concern.
The unidentified man
- The living-in-the-past attitude
- The cost of following: the subjective “good” of and desire for the past.
- The gain of following: the objective best of the present and future.
The Soil Correlation
- The attitudes Jesus reveals reflect the poor soil conditions in the Parable of the Sower.
- Such attitudes lead to devastating consequences (i.e. complete rejection, eventual falling away and/or poor fruit production).
- However, Jesus in revealing these poor attitudes Jesus also leads us to discover the right attitudes needed for fertile soil and good fruit production.
The Transformation Expectation
- Are you guilty of having the same attitudes as these men?
- Choose to follow Jesus with the proper attitude.
- Have faith in Jesus.
- Put your hope in the promises of Jesus.
- Experience true joy found only in Jesus.