Luke 12:35-53
Parallel Accounts
- Luke 12:35-40 – Mark 13:32-37
- Luke 12:41-48 – Matthew 24:45-51
- Luke 12:49-53 – Matthew 10:34-36
Jesus’ teaching here is was most likely something he taught often as it is contained in the record of the other Gospel writers but in different contexts.
Luke’s reason for recording
- This passage must be taken in context with the previous passage.
- Luke’s shows Jesus exhorting his disciples to make kingdom work the priority over worldly accumulation of wealth.
The context
- Jesus’ main message – the kingdom of God is at hand.
- Jews correlated this with the coming of the Messiah.
- Jesus’ second coming would usher in the final installation of God’s kingdom and be a time of judgment.
- Again, Jesus is exhorting his followers to make the most of his absence.
Beware of three destructive attitudes
- “Who cares; I’m going to get as much stuff as I can while I’m here.”
- “He’s coming back soon why should I do anything?”
- “It’s taking him so long it probably won’t happen in my lifetime.”
“Stay dressed…keep the lamps burning” vv 35-36
- This is a warning to not get lazy but to keep on working while Jesus is away.
- We need to be prepared for the final establishment of God’s kingdom.
- We need to try our hardest to help provide citizens for the kingdom.
“Blessed are those servants” vv 37-38
- Jesus hints that his coming may not be when expected.
- It doesn’t matter when it is; we need to expect that it WILL happen.
- When Jesus returns there will be rest from the work.
Parable of the burglar vv 39-40
- The parable is a contrast; those who accumulate wealth are worried about it being taken, however, we want Jesus to take what we have when he comes back.
“Lord…this parable for us? vv 41-48
- Peter is asking what kind of servants are they: common or stewards over others.
- Jesus’ response is that they are stewards.
- Jesus warns them to be faithful as stewards and avoid temptation to lord it over those in their care.
- This passage applies to church leaders today.
- Jesus warns…
- Those who lord over others will suffer a severe punishment.
- Those who know better but do nothing will be punished.
- Those who are ignorant of what their calling entails will be lightly punished.
Don’t think it will be easy! vv 49-53
- Jesus and the installation of a new kingdom present a dilemma.
- You are either for God or you are not.
- Naturally this will cause conflict.
- Jesus makes no promise of peace in the present age as long as people can choose to be against God and his kingdom.
Transformation Expectation
- Jesus is coming back and we must be engaged in work to help populate the kingdom.
- We must live as if the return is going to happen today!
- We must develop an attitude of urgency; the offer of salvation cannot be put off!