Genesis – “Essential Worship”

Genesis 12:10-20 Abram and Sarai in Egypt – Genesis 12:10-20 (ESV) Altars Place of worship Draws man closer to God Recognizes God as the one true god Acknowledges God’s generosity/provision Serves as a point of refocus Did Abraham forget to

Genesis – “Answering God’s Call”

Genealogies – Genesis 11:10-32 (ESV) The Call of Abraham – Genesis 12:1-9 (ESV) Lessons from Abraham’s calling God calls ordinary people to do his work. The greatest requirement for God’s calling is faith. God equips those he calls to do

Genesis – “Building Towers Leads to Confusion”

Genesis 9:20-11:9 The Curse of Canaan (9:20-28) Sets up God’s command to clean the land. Ham’s sin was indicative of the sin of the Canaanites. The curse was spoken out of foreknowledge. Canaanites had opportunity to repent. (Gen 15:13-16 &